Do’s and Don’ts for Cosleeping Safely No matter where you have your baby sleep, be sure you provide a safe sleeping environment. If you decide to share sleep with your baby, and this arrangement is working for your family, observe these precautions for cosleeping safely. Do’s of Cosleeping: Guardrails Take precautions to prevent baby from […]
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Attachment Parenting Babies
Attachment Parenting Babies are Raised the Way Nature Intended The 7 Baby B’s Attachment parenting is a style of caring for your infant that brings out the best in the baby and the parents. Learn how attachment parenting babies grow up happier and healthier with these 7 practices. 1. Birth bonding The way baby and […]
Night Weaning: How to Gently End Night Feedings

What is the Best Way to End Night Feeding? This is one of the top questions we get from our friends, from the parents of our little patients and our website followers. The night weaning information you are about to read is gleaned from Dr. Bill’s experience in fifty years of pediatric practice, Martha’s experience […]
Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

9 Questions on Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy It is usual to put on some extra weight while pregnant, but how much is too much? The answers to these nine questions about healthy weight gain during pregnancy prepare you with the knowledge of what to expect. 1. Q. How much weight is a healthy weight gain? […]
12 Alternatives for the All-Night Toddler Nurser

Suggestions for Dealing with an All-Night Toddler Nurser Frequent night nursing is characteristic of high-need children. It’s like going to their favorite restaurant. The ambiance is peaceful, the server is familiar, the cuisine is superb, and they love the management. Who can blame the all-night gourmet? Yet as baby ages and turns into a toddler, […]