Brain Health
If you’re worried about your brain health, you aren’t alone. The best thing you can do for your brain health is to change unhealthful habits before you start feeling their effects. By the time you start feeling “sick and tired,” mental and physical tissue damage is already done, and it takes much more mental and physical effort to reverse this damage than to prevent it in the first place. We call this preventive medicine—“preloading” yourself with a healthy brain and healthy brain abilities before you start experiencing disabilities. Whenever we are treating a patient with a debilitating brain illness, we are always thinking, “I wish I could have counseled this person years ago to preload their body and brain.” If you start following our healthy brain plan now, your brain will thank you later.
Brain Health Articles
- Alzheimer’s
- Brain Health Testimony: Anxiety and Depression
- Endothelial Pharmacy
- Food Sources of DHA and Omega-3
- Healthy Brain Tips: Videos from Dr. Bill
- Isometrics
- Meditation for Brain Health
- Microbiome Testing
- Negative Affects of Stress
- Sleep Solutions
- The Healing Power of Touch and Hugs
- The Healthy Brain Book
- The Healthy Brain Book Endnotes
- Top Tips for Brain Health on Pure Nurture Podcast
- Your Daily-Do List