7 Ways to Ease Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy Shortness of breath during pregnancy increases in both frequency and intensity during the third trimester as your expanding uterus limits your lungs’ ability to expand with each breath. To compensate for cramping your breathing space from below, pregnancy hormones stimulate you to breathe more often and […]
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Parenting Shy Children: Personality Trait Not Fault

Helping the Shy Child Thrive Many children are labeled shy. If you understand what this term really means, you may decide that having a shy child is not such a negative quality after all. Shyness can be a help or a handicap to a child, depending partly on how it’s handled. Shyness is a personality […]
Infant Carsickness

Helping Ease Infant Carsickness “Please help! Our one-year-old gets sick every time we drive somewhere. It started just after she turned one but before we turned her car seat around. We figured that if we turned the car seat to face forward that would solve the problem, but it hasn’t. The car seat is situated […]
12 Ways to Stop Thumbsucking for Good

Thumbsucking Statistics and Ways to Help Your Child Stop In 1977 researchers studied fifty habitual thumbsucking children between ages one and seven. Researchers compared habitual thumbsuckers to children who did not suck their thumb. Studies showed that thumbsuckers tended to be bottle-fed rather than breastfed. The child who was weaned later was less likely to […]