7 Ways to Ease Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy Shortness of breath during pregnancy increases in both frequency and intensity during the third trimester as your expanding uterus limits your lungs’ ability to expand with each breath. To compensate for cramping your breathing space from below, pregnancy hormones stimulate you to breathe more often and […]
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8-M-O Recently Started Night Waking

Baby Started Night Waking: What to Do? “My 8-month-old son used to sleep through the night just fine. But for the past 2 months, he started night waking 4 or 5 times a night fussing and wants to nurse. He sleeps in our bed with us. I know it may be teething, but I am […]
Child Bowel Control: Prevent Soiled Pants

Prevent Soiled Pants by Teaching your Child About Healthy Bowel Movements You’re sitting with your six-year-old son among a group of friends. Suddenly the air is not so fresh. Your eyes and nose turn toward your child, the source of this tell-tale smell. You’re embarrassed for your child, your friends and your self. Your child […]

Meningitis – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment This is one of the most feared illnesses that worry many parents. Anytime a child complains of a headache and has a fever, the thought goes through the parent’s mind, “Could this be meningitis? Is it going around right now? Is my child going to have brain damage?” Meningitis is […]