Exercises Guidelines for the New Mom
Regardless of the time of year, you can reap some great benefits from taking advantage of nature’s gym by enjoying parks, trails and sidewalks. So why not strap your little one into their stroller and brighten both of your days?
While partaking in postpartum exercises ensure that both you and your baby stay safe during by following these guidelines:
- Make sure your child is securely fastened in his or her stroller. You don’t necessarily need a jogging stroller, but make sure that your little one is safely buckled in if you are power walking or heading to the trails. And remember to lock the wheels whenever you stop the stroller. Even the most subtle incline can send a stroller rolling!
- Safety in numbers is a great idea, especially as when daylight hours are shorter. So grab a couple of friends from your local moms’ group or go to babybootcamp.com to find one of their postnatal fitness classes. In addition, always tell someone where you are going and when you plan to return.
- If you are walking in a nature preserve or a county/state park, please pay attention to the signage – especially concerning aggressive animals.
- Dress appropriately. You don’t want to be too cold or too hot when working out – with the postpartum hormones in our system, we have a tendency to be warmer. The best plan is to dress in layers (including your little one). You can get cold quickly if the sun goes down or during your cool down (especially if you have been sweating for at least 30 minutes). Remember to wear sunscreen and carry water with you.
Outdoor Exercise Ideas
Here are postpartum exercises you can do with your little one in their stroller:
Intervals: Whether you are walking or jogging, pick up your pace for 15 to 20 seconds (perhaps the time it takes you to get from one lamp post or tree to the next).
Bursts: After every five minutes of walking, engage in a one-minute cardio burst – anything that is going to challenge you, such as jumping jacks, or jumping rope. You can turn it into a game with your little one by having them count your reps or helping you count the minutes until your next burst.
Stationary: Look for park benches – these are great for pushups, tricep dips, squats in front of them and lower to sitting and back up again (be careful those knees stay behind the toes!). Position your stroller so your baby is facing you and make plenty of funny faces.
In motion: Push the stroller while doing walking lunges or side squats.
And the best part? While you gave yourself a 30-minute workout, your little one got 30 minutes of fresh air, Vitamin D (from the sunshine) and maybe even a little powernap. Reward the both of you by taking your child out of the stroller and play at the park for 15 minutes…my daughters highly recommend the swings!
Be sure to create a smart plan and stick to it. This will keep both you and your child safe.
Thanks to our friends at Baby Boot Camp® for this great information.
If you would like to work with a Certified Health Coach during your pregnancy, or postpartum, you can find a Coach in your area.