Colic Relief Tips for Parents with Colicky Babies Even though no one completely understands colic, let’s make two assumptions: First, baby has pain in the gut. Secondly, the whole baby is upset as a result. Treatment for colic relief, therefore, is aimed at relaxing the whole baby and particularly the baby’s abdomen. While parents need […]
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Foods That Cause Colic When Breastfeeding

Colic-Causing Foods to Watch For Mother-infant dining partners can enjoy a bountiful menu. But some babies are sensitive to certain foods in mother’s diet (See What’s Colic? Does Your Baby Have Colic? How to Tell). Colic-causing foods can enter your breast milk and upset your baby. This can happen as early as two hours after […]
Colicky Baby: Is it food sensitivities or reflux?

Unidentified food sensitivities or reflux? Determining the reasons for a colicky baby. Question: Is reflux a real thing or is it unidentifiable food sensitivities? My babe had horrible reflux and I did eliminate diet and now she’s great! Answer: Back in 1992, with the first edition of The Baby Book, we clarified what was called […]
Don’t Let Colic Derail Your Commitment to Breastfeeding
The benefits of breastfeeding are numerous and undisputed. It creates a healthier immune system that not only protects baby from numerous infectious diseases, it also lowers the risk of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, allergies, and asthma. Breastfeeding improves intellectual and visual development and can result in a higher IQ for the child. Moms who […]
What’s Colic? Does Your Baby Have Colic? How to Tell
It’s 6:00 p.m. and the wailing begins. You’re holding your two-week-old baby – the model of a thriving infant, apparently without a care in the world. Suddenly and unexpectedly he stiffens his limbs, arches his back, clenches his fists, draws up his flailing limbs against a bloated, tense abdomen, and lets out ear-piercing shrieks. If […]
3 Steps in Tracking Down the Cause of Colic
STEP 1: KEEP A COLIC DIARY A diary is helpful for two reasons: You may uncover clues that help your baby’s doctor diagnose a hidden medical cause of colic, and you may be surprised by the correlations you find. As one mother noticed, “On days that I wear my baby in a sling most of […]
5 Possible Hidden Medical Causes of Colic
In general, a medical cause is likely if the so-called colic isn’t getting better by four months and your intuition tells you that your baby is in pain. Suspect a medical cause for colic if baby is: Getting worse or not gradually getting better Awakening frequently with painful cries Unable to be consoled Not thriving: […]
Differences Between “Fussy” and “Colicky” Babies
The point at which a fussy baby (one who cries a lot) or a “high-need baby” (one who fusses unless he’s held a lot) becomes a colicky baby (one who hurts a lot) is often a matter of interpretation. What you call your baby’s behavior isn’t as important as what you do about it. In […]
Colic Will Soon Pass
When will it stop? Colic that has no diagnosed medical cause begins around two weeks of age and reaches its peak around six to eight weeks. Seldom do the outbursts continue longer than four months of age, but fussy behavior may last throughout the first year and mellow between one to two years of age. […]
List of Colic Causing Foods
If your child is experiencing colic, it may be due to something in your diet that is passing through the breastmilk. Here is a list of foods that may be the culprit. You can eliminate all foods at once or just a few at a time, depending on how severe the colic is. It sometimes […]
Colic Caused By Transient Lactase Deficiency Is Treatable
Colic comes in many shapes and sizes, from the evening-only screamer to the all-day fusser. Some babies have mild to moderate colic for only a month or two, and others suffer through several months of severe symptoms. While some babies may not have an identifiable cause of their colic and will outgrow it by four […]
Raising a High Needs Baby

How to Raise a High Needs Baby Our first three children were relatively “easy” infants. They slept well and had predictable feeding routines. Their needs were easy to identify and satisfy. In fact, I began to suspect that parents in my pediatric practice who complained about their fussy babies were exaggerating. “What’s all the fuss […]