What Teething Looks Like Your beautiful five-month-old baby boy, who has been the most perfect little angel since birth, has suddenly turned into a cranky, fussy, drooling, chews-on- everything-in-site little monster! He is now keeping you up half the night, and needs to be held, bounced, and nursed all day long. Welcome to the wonderful […]
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Is Baby Sick or Teething?
When in doubt, don’t attribute baby’s behavior to teething. Let your doctor decide. Yet, here are some general ways to tell the difference between teething and an illness such as an ear infection: 1. Teething mucus is clear saliva and doesn’t run out the nose. Cold mucus is thick and yellow. A nasal discharge usually […]
How to Comfort a Teething Baby

What to Expect and How to Comfort a Teething Baby As you wonder why your sleeping angel turns nightwaker, you hear the telltale ping against the spoon or feel the cutting edge. Actually babies don’t “cut teeth,” nor do teeth “erupt.” Teeth slowly slide and twist their way through gum tissue. But sharp teeth pushing through […]
How Can I Tell If My Baby is Teething?
Besides the trademark drool and crankiness, try the gum-massage test. (Babies are more likely to accept a finger probing into their mouth than to allow a look.) Run your finger along the front edges of the gums, and you will feel swollen ridges of preteething gums. It is sometimes difficult to tell if a baby […]
8-M-O Recently Started Night Waking

Baby Started Night Waking: What to Do? “My 8-month-old son used to sleep through the night just fine. But for the past 2 months, he started night waking 4 or 5 times a night fussing and wants to nurse. He sleeps in our bed with us. I know it may be teething, but I am […]
Ear Infections

Identifying and Treating Ear Infections in Children Your child has a bothersome cold for a week. Their nasal discharge turns a little green and their cough starts to keep you all up at night. Then one night they are up every hour extremely fussy with a fever. You take them to the doctor the next […]
31 Ways to Get Baby to Sleep

Ways to Get Your Baby to Sleep and Stay Asleep Over the years of putting our own children to sleep, keeping them asleep, and counseling thousands of other moms and dads on various styles of nighttime parenting, here are some time-tested, proven attitudes and techniques for getting baby to sleep. Most of these are applicable […]
6 Ways to Getting Baby to Sleep Through the Night

Getting Baby to Sleep Through the Night High need babies not only need help to fall asleep, they often need help staying asleep. Here are ways for getting baby to sleep through the night so that you can stay asleep, too. 1. Sleep Where Baby Sleeps Best Every mom, dad, and baby must work out […]
Parent-to-Parent: 21 Survival Tips for Parents of High Need Children

You Will Survive. Your Child Will Thrive. Life Will Go On. Still, it’s hard to imagine even wanting to have another baby after you’ve held this one all day and been awakened three or more times at night. It’s hard to envision someone ever saying to you, “How blessed you are to have such an […]
Breastfeeding Baby Personalities

The Many Breastfeeding Baby Personalities A breastfeeding baby can have different nursing personalities. Some are cute, some are annoying, and some can even be painful. There are ways to deal with these personalities without getting frustrated or making baby upset at feeding time. Identify your baby’s breastfeeding personality and see how to encourage them to […]
Child Fevers

How to Handle Fever in Baby, Toddler & Older Child Your child awakens in the middle of the night crying inconsolably. He feels hot to the touch, and you quickly take his temperature. 103 degrees! (39.5 Celsius) You are understandably worried! Should you call your doctor? Should you rush him to the emergency room? Here […]
Inconsolable Crying: Common Causes and Treatment

What to Do With an Inconsolable Baby? If your child is crying inconsolably it can be very troublesome for parents and children. Here are some tips to help you determine the cause of your baby’s inconsolable crying and what you can do to provide the proper relief to your child. Common Reasons for Your Baby […]