Dr.Sears’ Suggestions on Co-Sleeping with Two Babies We are expecting our second child in a few short months, and we also co-sleep with our eighteen-month-old son. How can we safely co-sleep with two babies? In reading your question, the first thought that came to my mind was where there’s a will, there’s a way. You […]
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Safe Medications for Yeast Infections While Breastfeeding

Safe Medications to Treat Yeast Infections While Breastfeeding I tend to get a lot of vaginal yeast infections. What can I safely take while breastfeeding? One of the oldest and safest medications to take for the treatment of yeast infections is Nystatin. This medication comes in a cream and in oral form. It is also […]
Cosleeping Safely

Do’s and Don’ts for Cosleeping Safely No matter where you have your baby sleep, be sure you provide a safe sleeping environment. If you decide to share sleep with your baby, and this arrangement is working for your family, observe these precautions for cosleeping safely. Do’s of Cosleeping: Guardrails Take precautions to prevent baby from […]
Every Time I Put Down My Sleeping Baby She Wakes Up

Baby Wakes Up When Putting into Bed “Every time I put down my sleeping baby, she wakes up. Help!” This is a situation that frustrates almost every parent at some time. Realize first of all that this is very normal. It is not that you are doing anything wrong or that something is unusual with […]
Bottle Alternatives

Bottle Alternatives To Consider At times, it may be necessary to give breastfed baby supplements of expressed breastmilk or infant formula. However, using an artificial nipple (i.e., any nipple that’s not attached to mom) to feed a young breastfeeding infant is likely to lead to nipple confusion. The sucking technique that baby learns from the […]
Proper Positioning and Latch-on Skills

Breastfeeding Basics: Latch-on Technique and Proper Positioning There’s a right way–and a wrong way–for baby to latch-on to the breast. When a latch-on is done correctly, mother’s nipples don’t get sore, and baby is able to get plenty of milk. Everyone is happier. The easiest way to learn about good latch-on is in a one-on-one […]
Night Weaning: How to Gently End Night Feedings

What is the Best Way to End Night Feeding? This is one of the top questions we get from our friends, from the parents of our little patients and our website followers. The night weaning information you are about to read is gleaned from Dr. Bill’s experience in fifty years of pediatric practice, Martha’s experience […]
Co-Sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes?

Co-Sleeping Is Not Necessarily Bad Our first three babies were easy sleepers. We felt no need or desire to have them share our bed. Besides, I was a new member of the medical profession whose party line was that co-sleeping with babies was weird and even dangerous. Then along came our fourth child, Hayden, born […]
Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

9 Questions on Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy It is usual to put on some extra weight while pregnant, but how much is too much? The answers to these nine questions about healthy weight gain during pregnancy prepare you with the knowledge of what to expect. 1. Q. How much weight is a healthy weight gain? […]
Ear Infections

Identifying and Treating Ear Infections in Children Your child has a bothersome cold for a week. Their nasal discharge turns a little green and their cough starts to keep you all up at night. Then one night they are up every hour extremely fussy with a fever. You take them to the doctor the next […]
Nighttime Baby Formula vs. Nighttime Breastfeeding

Dr. Bill’s Outlook on Nighttime Baby Formula Will nighttime baby formula help my baby sleep longer stretches? Dr. Bill gets this question a lot in his Pediatric practice, so I am passing this question along to him: Most of our learning as parents, and most of our books, were literally learned and written on the […]
Average Breastfed Baby Weight Gain

Breastfed Baby Weight Gain A breastfed baby’s weight gain is one of the indicators of whether or not the mother is producing a sufficient amount of milk. New mothers are zealous weight watchers. While it’s not true that good weight gain is an index of good mothering, a baby’s weight gain may be some tangible […]