Taming Toddler Tantrums My 18-month-old son throws terrible toddler tantrums. When he doesn’t want to do something, he often throws himself on the floor and kicks his arms and legs. I can barely bring myself to take him out in public because he throws tantrums so often. What can I do? Most toddlers throw temper […]
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25 Ways to Talk So Kids Will Listen

How to Talk with Kids A major part of discipline is learning how to talk to kids so they will listen. The way you talk to your child teaches him how to talk to others. Here are some talking tips we have learned with our children: 1. Connect Before You Direct Before giving your child […]
My Toddler is Touching His Privates!

My son is almost 2 1/2. Ever since he was a newborn, he has been fascinated with sticking his hands in his diaper and feeling his penis. We understand that this is “self-soothing” and don’t want to make it seem like it is “bad” or “wrong” to touch his penis. However, it has been causing […]
Parent-to-Parent: 21 Survival Tips for Parents of High Need Children

You Will Survive. Your Child Will Thrive. Life Will Go On. Still, it’s hard to imagine even wanting to have another baby after you’ve held this one all day and been awakened three or more times at night. It’s hard to envision someone ever saying to you, “How blessed you are to have such an […]
Child Bowel Control: Prevent Soiled Pants

Prevent Soiled Pants by Teaching your Child About Healthy Bowel Movements You’re sitting with your six-year-old son among a group of friends. Suddenly the air is not so fresh. Your eyes and nose turn toward your child, the source of this tell-tale smell. You’re embarrassed for your child, your friends and your self. Your child […]
14 Ways to Stop Biting and Hitting

Biting and Hitting are Common and Should be Corrected Early On Growing teeth and hands often find their way into trouble. Toddlers often bite and hit with little regard for the consequences of their actions. Biting and hitting habits hurt and should be corrected, before serious harm is done to bodies and to relationships. 1. […]
8 Steps to Stop Bedwetting Once and for All

Help Your Child to Stop Bedwetting Each night in the United States at least five million school-age children wet their beds. Bedwetting can certainly be challenging for families, but there are a number of things parents can do to help set the tone in their family to be understanding and positive. With new insights, approaches, […]
Aggressive Behavior in Toddler After New Baby

How to Stop Aggressive Behavior in Toddler Please help…my son (2.5 years old) is showing toddler aggressive behavior. He keeps attacking his dad (my husband) by hitting, punching, kicking, biting, screaming, growling, etc. He will occasionally do this to myself and his little brother albeit not as often. I have tried so many techniques to […]
12 Signs Your Baby is High Need

“Why is my baby so different? She is not like any of my friends’ babies. They sleep through the night. They’re happy being held by anyone. My friends don’t seem as tired as I am. What am I doing wrong?” Sound familiar? Your baby acts the way she does because that’s the way she is. […]
Enjoying Sex While Pregnant

You Will feel Different about Sex While Pregnant Pregnancy can change your appetite for many of life’s simple pleasures, from making dinner to making love. How you will feel about sex while pregnant depends on your individual feelings about sex, your partner’s feelings and the physical and emotional changes of this particular pregnancy. We can […]