How to Stop Sibling Rivalry and Promote Sibling Harmony As parents – and referees – of eight children, we have survived personality clashes, ability battles, attention tactics, and multiple mini-battles, only to conclude that sibling rivalry, like nightwaking, is one of the inevitable annoyances of having children. We also learned that the degree of sibling […]
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Treating Sinus Congestion While Pregnant

Safely Treating Sinus Congestion While Pregnant These five tips for treating sinus congestion while pregnant can help you get over your stuffy nose without using medication that might pose a risk to baby. 1. Avoid Allergens and Pollutants Avoid unnecessary exposure to nasal allergens and pollutants, such as smog and cigarette smoke. 2. Keep Yourself […]
Co-Sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes?

Co-Sleeping Is Not Necessarily Bad Our first three babies were easy sleepers. We felt no need or desire to have them share our bed. Besides, I was a new member of the medical profession whose party line was that co-sleeping with babies was weird and even dangerous. Then along came our fourth child, Hayden, born […]
31 Ways to Get Baby to Sleep

Ways to Get Your Baby to Sleep and Stay Asleep Over the years of putting our own children to sleep, keeping them asleep, and counseling thousands of other moms and dads on various styles of nighttime parenting, here are some time-tested, proven attitudes and techniques for getting baby to sleep. Most of these are applicable […]
Infant Carsickness

Helping Ease Infant Carsickness “Please help! Our one-year-old gets sick every time we drive somewhere. It started just after she turned one but before we turned her car seat around. We figured that if we turned the car seat to face forward that would solve the problem, but it hasn’t. The car seat is situated […]
Cough Suppressant Dosage

Cough Suppressant Dosage for Child Recommended cough suppressants: Delsym (12 months and up) Benylin Pediatric (6 months and up) Robitussin Pediatric Cough Suppressant (6 months and up) See below for dosage charts. Ingredient: Dextromethorphan The Dextromethorphan (DM for short) is a cough suppressant. It acts by blocking the cough reflex center in the brain. It […]
Sudafed Child Nasal Decongestant Liquid
Ingredients Per 5ml: Pseudoephedrine 15mg (decongestant) WHEN TO USE Nasal congestion, mild runny nose. Using a Decongestant will clear nasal passages making it easier to breath through the nose. It also has a mild drying effect so it will help relieve runny nose a bit. I like to use decongestants during the day because they […]
Ritalin and Other ADD Medications
ADD Medications: How They Work, Are They Safe, and Side Effects ADD NOTE. To parents and professionals: Consider medication in addition to, but not instead of, other treatments, such as behavior and learning strategies. How Ritalin Works Every time you think or act, messages travel from one nerve to another telling the brain what to do. […]
Foreign Objects In the Nose

Identifying and Removing Foreign Objects In the Nose An article reported in the December 2015 issue of The Wall Street Journal called attention to how frequently children stuff harmful objects in the nose. The usual culprits were cherries, chickpeas, nuts, ladybugs, pebbles and, can you believe it, little flat batteries. While most of these were […]
Most and Least Allergenic Foods
Most and Least Allergenic Foods Most-Allergenic Foods berries buckwheat chocolate cinnamon citrus fruits coconut corn dairy products egg whites mustard nuts peas peanut butter pork shellfish soy sugar tomatoes wheat yeast Least-Allergenic Foods apples apricots asparagus avocados barley beets broccoli carrots cauliflower chicken cranberries dates grapes honey lamb lettuce mangoes oats papayas peaches pears poi […]
Taking Oral Contraceptives While Breastfeeding
Is it okay to take the birth control pill while breastfeeding? Yes, depending on which type of oral contraceptive it is. There are two areas of concern about taking birth control pills while breastfeeding: effects on milk production the possible effect of hormones on the baby. EFFECTS ON MILK PRODUCTION Some oral contraceptives contain both […]
Frequently Asked Questions About Echinacea
Frequently Asked Questions About Echinacea What is it and how does it work? Echinacea is one of the top-selling herbal remedies throughout the world. It is also one of the oldest. Not only has this healing herb enjoyed long popularity, it also has been the subject of much scientific research. Echinacea is a native American […]