Unidentified food sensitivities or reflux? Determining the reasons for a colicky baby. Question: Is reflux a real thing or is it unidentifiable food sensitivities? My babe had horrible reflux and I did eliminate diet and now she’s great! Answer: Back in 1992, with the first edition of The Baby Book, we clarified what was called […]
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How to Help Reflux: Feeding and Sleeping Tips

Tips to Help Your Baby with Reflux Question: My 2-month-old daughter is constantly spitting up through her nose and mouth at the same time. I have her sleeping in a rock and play on an incline, should I be transitioning her to a flat surface to help with her reflux? I’m just very concerned with choking. […]
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)

Gastroesophageal Reflux: A Hidden Cause of Colic Once upon a time a fussy baby was labeled with “colic,” which is really a five-letter word for “the doctor doesn’t know why.” New insights into the cause of colicky behavior and frequent, painful nightwaking episodes reveal that oftentimes babies hurt because of some underlying medical problem. In […]
Baby Constipation: Stool-Softening Techniques

Tips to Ease Baby Constipation What can I do to help my baby’s constipation? He also has silent reflux. I have tried pears and prunes, and they seem to make the reflux worse. Constipation is painful for children to have and painful for mothers to watch. As I have said many times in my Mondays […]
8 Reasons Breastfeeding Reduces SIDS

How Breastfeeding Reduces SIDS: The Milk, The Mother, Or The Method Whether it is the milk, the mother, or the method that is responsible for the lower SIDS risk in the breastfed infant is hard to tell. It’s probably a combination of all three, which proves breastfeeding reduces SIDS. THE MILK There are hundreds of […]
Night Weaning: How to Gently End Night Feedings

What is the Best Way to End Night Feeding? This is one of the top questions we get from our friends, from the parents of our little patients and our website followers. The night weaning information you are about to read is gleaned from Dr. Bill’s experience in fifty years of pediatric practice, Martha’s experience […]
Co-Sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes?

Co-Sleeping Is Not Necessarily Bad Our first three babies were easy sleepers. We felt no need or desire to have them share our bed. Besides, I was a new member of the medical profession whose party line was that co-sleeping with babies was weird and even dangerous. Then along came our fourth child, Hayden, born […]
31 Ways to Get Baby to Sleep

Ways to Get Your Baby to Sleep and Stay Asleep Over the years of putting our own children to sleep, keeping them asleep, and counseling thousands of other moms and dads on various styles of nighttime parenting, here are some time-tested, proven attitudes and techniques for getting baby to sleep. Most of these are applicable […]
How You May Feel in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

What You’ll Feel in the First Trimester of Pregnancy During the first trimester of pregnancy, most women “feel” pregnant with at least a little bit of nausea and fatigue. By now the hormone levels necessary for growing your uterus and your baby are elevated, causing an emotional and physical metamorphosis that is pretty much beyond […]
Nighttime Parenting

Making Nighttime Parenting a Better Experience During the first year, you will spend lots of time feeding your baby at night, so you might as well enjoy it. You have two nighttime parenting goals: get sufficient rest yourself and meet the nutritional and emotional needs of your infant. Remember, a happy mother and a well-fed […]
Inconsolable Crying: Common Causes and Treatment

What to Do With an Inconsolable Baby? If your child is crying inconsolably it can be very troublesome for parents and children. Here are some tips to help you determine the cause of your baby’s inconsolable crying and what you can do to provide the proper relief to your child. Common Reasons for Your Baby […]
Hidden Medical Causes of Night Waking

Causes of Night Waking for Babies As a pediatrician, one of the reasons I am becoming increasingly cautious about insensitively using the cry-it-out approach to get babies to sleep longer is that doctors and parents assume that a night waking baby has bad sleeping habits and they miss underlying painful causes of night waking. Suspect […]