Prevent Soiled Pants by Teaching your Child About Healthy Bowel Movements You’re sitting with your six-year-old son among a group of friends. Suddenly the air is not so fresh. Your eyes and nose turn toward your child, the source of this tell-tale smell. You’re embarrassed for your child, your friends and your self. Your child […]
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8 Steps to Stop Bedwetting Once and for All
Help Your Child to Stop Bedwetting Each night in the United States at least five million school-age children wet their beds. Bedwetting can certainly be challenging for families, but there are a number of things parents can do to help set the tone in their family to be understanding and positive. With new insights, approaches, […]
Foods That Cause Colic When Breastfeeding
Colic-Causing Foods to Watch For Mother-infant dining partners can enjoy a bountiful menu. But some babies are sensitive to certain foods in mother’s diet (See What’s Colic? Does Your Baby Have Colic? How to Tell). Colic-causing foods can enter your breast milk and upset your baby. This can happen as early as two hours after […]
Laxatives for Kids
Childhood Constipation and Chemical Laxatives for Children Many kids suffer from constipation. Thankfully, it’s usually temporary. Making a few changes to their diet and bathroom routine often helps them get back into a more comfortable rhythm, without having to resort to chemical laxatives. As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy […]
Autism and Digestive Issues
Autism and the Benefit of Soluble Fiber for Digestive Issues More children than ever before are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)1, a condition known for social, emotional and behavioral challenges. Many of these children also suffer from chronic digestive issues such as constipation and leaky gut.2 We don’t know what causes autism, but […]
What is Digestion
Digestion: The Breaking Down of Big Food Particles Hop on the intestinal train for a food-informative ride. From mouth to anus, your intestinal tract is a 25-foot long disassembly line. Whole food is taken in at one end and waste expelled from the other. Enroute nutrients are taken out of the food and absorbed into […]
10 Tips for Healthy Poop
Dr. Poo’s 10 tips to have healthy poop to be proud of By Bill Sears, MD, America’s Pediatrician My early years as a pediatrician and parent were like an on-the-job poo school. One of my goals as a good doctor was to teach parents how to get their child off to the right healthy poop. […]
Gas Relief For Your Baby
Tips for Gas Relief for Baby Question: Hi Dr. Sears and Martha! I have a question about gas relief! I have a 9-week-old boy who is happy but often cries inconsolably from gas. He is exclusively breastfeeding (EBF) and I have tried limiting my diet and using gripe water but at this point, I’m just […]
Potty Training and Co-sleeping Tips
Q&A: Only Urine Potty Trained and Co-sleeping Tips My son is only urine potty trained Question: I need some help with potty training. My son is “potty trained” successfully for urine, however, he’s continuing to do his business in his pull-up during nap time/and or bedtime. He has used the potty for poop before, but now […]
The Scoop on Comfortable Poop by Dr Poo
Helping Your Family Understand Poop and Digestion During my 50 years as a doctor, I have spent the most time discussing gut concerns with parents – what goes into the top end (food) and what comes out of the bottom end (poop). There has been a surge of new research about the importance of dietary fibers, […]
Benefits of Spirulina: Spirulina often gets misclassified as an herb because of its amazing health promoting properties, but it’s actually a bacteria, or a blue-green algae that’s found in pristine freshwater lakes, ponds, and rivers. It is most commonly recognized as one of the world’s most nutritionally complete superfoods, as it offers health benefits to […]
Breastfeeding and Hydration
While you are breastfeeding you should drink extra water, but you don’t need to overdo it. Hydration while breastfeeding should follow the commonsense “in and out” principles of hydration: If you use more fluid, you must take more in. Since the average six-month-old consumes around 1 quart of breast milk daily and 90 percent of […]