Bed-sharing with Baby A recent article released by NPR was titled “Is Sleeping with Your Baby as Dangerous as Doctors Say?” and has brought a lot of attention to the topic of co-sleeping, also called bed-sharing or sleep-sharing. We love articles that show that mother’s and father’s intuition trump pseudoscience. In my fifty years as […]
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Adjusting Sleeping and Breastfeeding Habits

Q&A on How to Adjusting your Child’s Sleeping and Breastfeeding Habits Q: My Son is 18 weeks, and I will be going back to work in 2 weeks. He is exclusively breastfed. In past months he has taken the rare bottle from Grandma or Dad, but it’s been at least a month now. He is […]
The Safest Place for Babies to Sleep
Where is the safest place for babies to sleep? We are asked this question about the safest place for babies to sleep a lot in our medical practice. Because there is so much misinformation in the media about the safety of “co-sleeping,” I feel the need to clarify a very simple solution. Having studied various […]
Does Breastfeeding While Lying Down Cause Ear Infections?
“After 10-11 months of nothing worse than a cold, my one-year-old daughter has had constant ear infections. I know that giving a child a bottle while lying down can contribute to ear infections, but what about breastfeeding while lying down? We have recently started co-sleeping full time to allow me to get more sleep, so […]
How Should You Dress Your Baby for Sleep? As a general guide, dress and cover your baby in as much or as little clothing as you would wear yourself. If your newborn was premature, weighs under eight pounds, or is “small for date” (meaning baby born with less insulating body fat than he or she […]
Fear of Overlying
Don’t Let the Fear of Overlying Prevent Co-Sleeping I want to sleep with our new baby, but I’m worried I’ll roll over and smother her. Is this possible? Should I have a fear of overlying? Each night all over the world millions of parents sleep with their babies and the babies wake up just fine. […]
Pets In Bed
Letting Your Pets In Bed When Co-Sleeping We have a cat that likes to curl up with us at night. Should we put a stop to this when baby comes? Sorry, your pet will have to find a new place to nap. If your cat nestles in next to baby, its fur could obstruct baby’s […]
SIDS: The Latest Research on How Sleeping With Your Baby is Safe
Research on SIDS SIDS and Co-Sleeping Facts There has been a lot of media claiming that sleeping with your baby in an adult bed is unsafe and can result in accidental smothering of an infant. One popular research study came out in 1999 from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission that showed 515 cases of […]
How to Spend More Quality Time With Baby

Focus on Quality Time During Your Time Together If you must be away from your baby for many hours each day, you’ll want to make the most of the time you have together. Make baby and breastfeeding your number-one priority during your non-working hours to increase your quality time together. Quality Time In the Morning […]