Temper Tantrums in 2-5 Year Olds A realistic fact of family life is that children can push our frustration buttons. We like to divide temper tantrums into two categories. The first category is manipulation temper tantrums. This is where a child uses obnoxious behavior in hopes of getting his way. The second category is frustration […]
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Holiday Temper Tantrums

Handling Holiday Temper Tantrums Holiday stress can take a toll on the whole family including your children. An increase in temper tantrums is not uncommon. Understanding the common holiday temper tantrum triggers will help you be better prepared to handle them in case your little one starts to have one. Holiday Temper Tantrums and… Shopping […]
3 Ways to Prevent Temper Tantrums
Prevent Temper Tantrums in Your Child Kids will get upset and have trouble controlling their emotions, but it is possible to prevent it from developing into a full blown tantrum. Try these three ways to prevent temper tantrums in your child. 1. Practice Attachment Parenting We have noticed that infants who are carried a lot […]
Dealing with Temper Tantrums in Public
How to Handle Temper Tantrums in Public? Just like at home, kids throw tantrums in public when they don’t get their way. Let’s say you take your child to the supermarket and he feels he absolutely must have a candy bar. When you say “no,” there is a clash of wills that can result in […]
Toddler Tantrums

Taming Toddler Tantrums My 18-month-old son throws terrible toddler tantrums. When he doesn’t want to do something, he often throws himself on the floor and kicks his arms and legs. I can barely bring myself to take him out in public because he throws tantrums so often. What can I do? Most toddlers throw temper […]
Managing Tantrums in Older Children

Handling Tantrums in Older Children As a child nears three years of age, tantrums usually lessen as he gains the language to express himself, and he’s busy developing in other areas of his life (such as a blossoming imagination). Tantrums in older children (starting around 4-years-old) may appear with a surprising twist. A four-year-old is […]
“My 19-month-old son has started throwing these screaming tantrums. He does it at night when it’s time to go to bed, or any other time he doesn’t get to do what he wants. It started two weeks ago. It’s become an every day occurrence, what do I do?” Don’t take it personally. You are neither […]
How to Handle 2 Year Old’s Tantrums?
“My 2-year-old throws a major fit every time she doesn’t get her way. She has several major tantrums every day. How can I get through this stage and retain my sanity? Temper Tantrums The first time a toddler has a major tantrum can come as such a surprise to parents that it is difficult to […]
Helping Toddlers Handle Tantrums

What to Do to Help Your Toddler Handle a Tantrum Even after you do your best to create an attitude within your child and structure the environment in your home to prevent tantrums, they still occur. Helping toddlers handle tantrums takes patience. Here’s what to do when the little volcano blows at home, in public, […]
New Sibling in the Home

Avoiding Sibling Rivalry Some sibling strife is inevitable, though the degree depends on the ages of the two children, whether or not their personalities are compatible, and the level of sibling conflict you tolerate. An attachment-parented child will have a much easier time adjusting since she got what she needed when she needed it. She […]
Head Injuries

Evaluating Head Injuries When evaluating head injuries, it helps to appreciate the difference between a skull injury and a brain injury. The skull acts as a protective helmet for the delicate brain, and the skull is covered with a richly vascularized scalp. Most falls involve injury to the scalp only. The scalp will bleed profusely […]
6 Ways to Help the Angry Child

Calming Down the Angry Child While no person or no family can be anger-proof there are ways you can help your angry child get a handle on their temper. 1. Help Your Child Have Inner Peace Research has shown, and our experience supports the observation, that connected children and their parents get angry with each […]